5 Reasons Why You Do Not Want A FREE OF CHARGE Weebly Website

I assume if you’re reading this article you are familiar with the free website service known as Weekly. The people at Weebly say that their software is the easiest way to generate and distribute a website on-line, and I consent, but I’ve issues. There are thousands of individuals just like me who have experience building websites with both Dreamweaver and GoLive. The majority of us earn a good coping with these tools and wouldn’t think of using other things.

Then along comes Weekly. What kind of the name in any case is Weebly? Recently I decided to create a little website with this toy of the scheduled program know as Weekly. And after doing so, I want to offer you my top 5 explanations why you do not want to build your own Weekly website.

And that’s the problem. 100 an hour to create websites for individuals like you just. 100 one-hour are over. Who in their right mind would pay me to build a beautiful, functional website when they can take action themselves without a technician? Please, A family is got by me to support. Weekly is completely free.

  • Navigate to Blogger
  • Searching for contacts, companies, and deals
  • Content marketing strategy for the creation, distribution, and promotion of content
  • Networking: Yup, it’s something for writers, too
  • 10 Weeks 5 and 6 (Regular Expressions, Window Object, Events, jQuery)
  • WHOIS privacy package from $11 a year

And when I say free, After all free. You don’t have to purchase software. You do not have to buy server space from a hosting company. You don’t even have to pay a specialist to make change for you. Weekly shall not only make it impossible for me to earn money building websites, but it will take away my capability to ask you for to sponsor and service your site when I build it.

How may I support myself when Weebly is removing my ability to do so. I don’t think it’s right that you as a customer should expect me to make contact with you immediately every time you have a straightforward question about your site. It sets up the wrong impression.

If I jumped each time you approached me with a problem, you would begin to consider me for granted. Besides, I have a life. In this case, the problem isn’t with Weekly, it’s with the entire community of Weebly users at TakeOnTheNet who are on the net day and night ready to answer Weekly questions for anyone with a Weekly website.